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Environmental Learning and Stewardship in Howard County, MD

HoLLIE 2022 Virtual Lecture Series

Our Changing Climate: Science, Policy, Justice, & Action

Session Abstracts and Recordings:

March 3 


Observing the Earth through the Eyes of Satellites

Claire Parkinson, Ph.D.

Climate Change Senior Scientist, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center 

Starting in the second half of the twentieth century, satellites have opened a new, broad vista on what is occurring on our ever-changing planet. This talk will discuss some ways through which this is done and will present a wide range of illustrative examples, from individual events such as fires, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and coccolithophore blooms, to changes in the Antarctic ozone hole and long-term trends such as sea level rise, increases in atmospheric temperature, carbon dioxide, and methane, and decreases in land ice and sea ice. With satellites, we can be more certain than ever before about the changes occurring on our planet.

Click here to replay the presentation 

Chat content is included in the recording.  

The passcode is:  .3&N119n  (starts with a period)

March 10


COP26 – You Are There

Timothy Lattimer

Senior Advisor, Office of Global Change, U.S. Department of State

​Howard County’s Tim Lattimer, a career diplomat, offers an insider’s perspective on U.N. climate change conferences such as last November’s “COP-26” in Glasgow and what we might expect to see ahead of COP-27 next November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.  He will talk about how the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change came to be and the geo-political, socio-economic, and scientific cross-currents affecting global cooperation on the climate crisis. 

Click here to replay the presentation

Chat content is included in the recording

The passcode is:  !#H7@h1L

March 17


​Environmental Justice in a Warming Climate

Vernice Miller-Travis  

Executive VP, Social Justice Lead, Metropolitan Group

How toxic and pollution-causing industrial practices more severely impact the health and well-being of those living closest to these sources.  As a result,  these communities are more vulnerable to the additional pressures of climate-change, with its excessive wind, rain, snow, drought, etc..  These communities need a wide variety of additional resources to lift them up.  

Click here to replay the presentation

Chat content is included in the recording

The passcode is:  5roLZL.E

March 24


You Have the Power to Make a Better Climate Future

Sara Via, Ph. D.

Professor & Climate Extension Specialist, University of MD College Park

A surprising 42% of all US greenhouse gas emissions trace back to individual actions in one way or another.  This means your choices can make a real difference.  When your furnace or vehicle needs to be replaced, your choice matters.  When you choose whether to replace your old appliances with an Energy Star refrigerator or high-efficiency washer, your choice matters. What you buy, what you eat, even how you handle leftover food all matter. Most of these choices aren’t hard, and some can  improve your health and save you money or time. In this talk, you’ll learn some easy actions that can make you part of a growing group of changemakers who are making a better climate future.

Click here to replay the presentation

Chat content is included in the recording

The passcode is:  sFS1%g*9


Click to download a .pdf copy of the slideshow

March 31


Living Our Environmental Purpose and Passion

Tracey Manning, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, Univ of MD, College Park

It’s natural to be overwhelmed by the scale and impact of climate change on our environment. However, that often leads people to be frustrated or burnt out trying to do everything they can see. How can each of us discover our strengths and our environmental passion, prioritize where we can make the most impact, and act on what matters most for us to do, individually and with allies? What next steps can we take for a positive impact locally and globally? 

Click here to replay the presentation

Chat content is included in the recording

The passcode is:  j@wh2*P+

HoLLIE 2021 Virtual Classes

HoLLIE 2021 was an all virtual program due to COVID.  To view the available recordings and class materials, click here



What can YOU do for the environment?  

To find resources about climate change, environmental education, volunteerism, local ecology and more, keep reading...

What's your Environmental Passion ???

Whether you have a lifetime, a day, or an hour, there is something you can do to help!

Hover or tap on the circles to find what interests you most, then click Go! to see a list of related local organizations and web resources.

You can start small and still help a lot!

  How to get started:


  • Explore the circles​

  • Click Go! to see a list of web resources and related environmental organizations in and around Howard County​

  • Visit their website​

  • Join their email list and stay informed​

  • Attend a meeting in person or online if you can​

  • Volunteers are needed for everything from office work and making phone calls to event staffing, research, outdoor work, and nature walks.  There are often opportunities to help from home.




Clean Water - 

Rivers -

Chesapeake Bay and Watershed





Waste -
Sustainability -
Personal Action -


You can make a difference!


Plants - Animals -

Forests - Parks -

Nature Centers




Farming -
Farm to Table - 
Gardens - 
Healthy Food -



Environmental Education - 
Talking about Climate Change -
Resources for Kids



Environmental Justice & Health-
Community Resiliance-


Anchor ELL

Climate Change -
Global Climate Science -
Climate Action


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About the HoLLIE Program

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Phone & Email

To B&O Ellicott City Station Museum

To NASA Goddard Visitors Center 

Class Info

Course Descriptions & Syllabus

How to Register

Members Only 

Current and former HoLLIE participants can register by clicking this button. You must be registered to access posted class materials.  

Information Resources

Links to environmental organizations in and around Howard County; web resources on environmental topics; environmental resources for kids.

Photo Gallery

See what our classes and field trips are like!

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