Howard County Legacy Leadership
​Institute for the Environment

Environmental Organizations and Resources
Click in the list below to find organizations and web resources that match your interests:
Our Partner Organizations
Climate Change; Global Climate Science; Climate Action
Clean Water; Rivers; Chesapeake Bay and Watershed
Waste; Recycling; Sustainability; Personal Action
Plants; Animals; Forests; Parks; Nature Centers
Farming; Farm to Table; Gardens; Healthy Food; Soil
Environmental Education; Communicating about Climate Change; Programs and Activities for Kids
Environmental Justice and Health; Community Resiliance; Environmental Legislation
Our Partner Organizations
Our partner organizations will be presenting information during your classes. These are great places to volunteer your time to help environmental causes!

Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks
Howard County offers its citizens regional, community, and neighborhood parks containing sports facilities, recreation areas for picnics, and scenic outdoor trails for hiking and exploring. The Natural Resources division develops management plans, regulations, and outreach programs designed to preserve and protect Howard County's natural resources.

Patuxent Riverkeeper
Our Mission: To conserve, protect and replenish Maryland’s longest and deepest intrastate waterway. Through strategic advocacy, restoration and education, our goal is long-term sustainability for the ecosystem of the entire Patuxent River basin and the people who rely on its future.

University of Maryland Extension – Howard County
The University of Maryland Extension service assists Howard County citizens with programs for crop and animal production, fruit and vegetables, family resources, water quality, food, nutrition and health, 4-H youth development, fair and livestock shows, gardening and horticulture.

Dr. Sara Via - ClimateCorner
Dr. Via is Professor and Climate Extension Specialist at the University of Maryland College Park. Her website publishes newsletters, lists of resources, and a schedule of webinars on all aspects of living with and responding to Climate Change. Sign up for the newsletter to get notices of the webinars.
Environmental Resources: Websites
George Mason Center for Climate Change Communication
Our mission is to develop and apply social science insights to help society make informed decisions that will stabilize the earth’s life-sustaining climate, and prevent further harm from climate change. To achieve this goal, our center engages in three broad activities: we conduct unbiased communication research; we help government agencies, civic organizations, professional associations, and companies apply social science research to improve their public engagement initiatives; and we train students and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve public engagement with climate change. (Formerly Northwest Earth Institute)
NWEI was founded in 1993 with a simple objective: to give people a framework to talk about our relationship with the planet and to share in discovering new ways to live, work, create and consume. Through our discussion courses and the EcoChallenge, we help people discover shared learning, shared stories and shared action.
The Story of Stuff Project
We know all about the problems -- from climate change to income inequality to political corruption. Our movies and other media focus instead on the big, exciting innovations driving the environmental and social change we need, as well as the little things individuals and communities can do to make a difference. We call it ‘Growing Solutions’.
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
We conduct scientific studies on public opinion and behavior; inform the decision-making of governments, media, companies, and advocates; educate the public about climate change; and help build public and political will for climate action.
Click on "Visualizations and Data" to see the Yale Climate Opinion maps for the current year. These maps show how Americans’ climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy support vary at the state, congressional district, metro area, and county levels.
Environmental Resources: Videos
Documents of Interest
"The Value of Trees" - How helping the environment can be economically beneficial
"Optimism in Tough Times" - Paul Hawken
Resources for Kids
Access NASA podcasts, videos, e-books, and virtual tours