Howard County Legacy Leadership
​Institute for the Environment

2021 HoLLIE Virtual Lecture Series Online:
Climate Change: Science, Policy and Local Action
The Howard County Legacy Leadership Institute for the Environment is for people who want to turn knowledge about the environment and climate change into action in Howard County and the state of Maryland.
For 2021, we launched Climate Change: Science, Policy and Local Action, an eight-week course of half day online sessions with NASA scientists, University of Maryland and local environmentalists, and key Howard County Government leaders.
You may download a copy of the information below for personal use. If you want to use it in your own work, you MUST credit the author.
Day 6 Presentation - DeMarzo
Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Local Action
HoLLIE Virtual Lecture Series
9:00am to 12:15pm Thursdays Feb 4-Mar 25 2021
Day One – Thursday, February 4 – Earth System Science
What Informed Citizens Need to Know about Earth Systems Science: Understanding the Tools and the State of Art in Earth Science
Introductory Remarks
Monitoring the Earth’s Atmosphere, Oceans, Land, and Ice from Satellites
Claire Parkinson, Ph.D., Climate Change Senior Scientist, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Climate Change and a 40-Year Sea Ice Record
Claire Parkinson, Ph.D., Climate Change Senior Scientist, NASA GSFC;
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions
facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Two – Thursday, February 11 – Earth System Science
What Informed Citizens Need to Know about Earth Systems Science: Understanding the Science of Earth’s Cycles
Introductory Remarks
Observing the Living Oceans from Space
Ivona Cetinic Ph.D., Scientist, Universities Space Research Association, NASA’s GSFC
Ice Sheets: Understanding Change in the Polar Regions
Kelly M. Brunt, Ph.D., Associate Research Scientist, Earth System
Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland
and NASA Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA's GSFC
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks,
discussions facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Three – Thursday, February 18 – Earth System Science
What Informed Citizens Need to Know about Earth Systems Science:
Understanding the Science of Earth’s Cycles, cont.
Introductory Remarks
How the Montreal Protocol Saved the Earth’s Ozone Layer and Is Now Helping Solve Climate Change
Paul Newman, Ph.D., Chief Scientist for Earth Sciences,
Earth Sciences Division, NASA’s GSFC
How Human Intervention in the Carbon Cycle Caused Climate Change
Sara Via, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Entomology, University of Maryland, and Climate Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, UMD, College Park
Dr. Via's presentation was recorded. Click here to play it back.
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Four – Thursday, February 25 – Communicating Data Graphically
Understanding the Science of Earth’s Cycles, cont.
Visualization & Communications
Introductory Remarks
Land-based Hydrological Cycle.
Matthew Rodell, Ph.D., Associate Deputy Director,
Hydrological Sciences Laboratory; NASA’s GSFC
Virtual Visit to GSFC Scientific Visualization Studio
Lori Perkins, Aerospace Technologist, Scientific Visualization
Studio at NASA's GSFC
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions facilitated by
HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Five, Thursday, March 4 – Environmental Policy
Introductory Remarks
International and National Environmental Policies
Tim Lattimer, Coordinator of the U.S. Delegation to the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP21), US Department of State (Retired)
This presentation was recorded. Click here to play it back.
Chesapeake Bay, Climate Change, and the Politics of Finance
Daniel Nees, Senior Research Associate, with a joint appointment with the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) in the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and the Center for Global Sustainability in the School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park
This presentation was recorded. Click here to play it back.
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Six, Thursday, March 11 – Howard County Government
Environmental Issues and Actions
Introductory Remarks
Howard County Office of Community Sustainability
Lindsay DeMarzo, Sustainability Projects Manager (Stormwater)
This presentation was recorded but is missing the 1st 15 minutes.
Click to download a .pdf version of the presentation for personal
use. **If you wish to reuse content from the presentation, please
contact the author for permission.**
Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ)
Beth Burgess, Chief, Division of Resource Conservation, DPZ
This presentation was recorded: Click here to play it back.
Click to download a .pdf version of the presentation for personal
use. **If you wish to reuse content from the presentation,
please contact the author for permission.**
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Seven, Thursday, March 18 – Howard County Government
Environmental Issues and Actions Cont.
Introductory Remarks
Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks
Dan McNamara, Superintendent, Natural and Historic Resources Division, Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks
This presentation was recorded: Click here to play it back.
Howard County Department of Public Works
Mark DeLuca, Deputy Director, Department of Public Works and Chief, Bureau of Environmental Services
This presentation was recorded: Click here to play it back.
Breakout Rooms and Closing Remarks, discussions facilitated by HoLLIE Coordinators
Day Eight, Thursday March 25 – Saving the Places We Love with Actions to Make a Difference
Introductory Remarks
Saving the Places We Love: Paths to Environmental Stewardship
Ned Tillman, Author of "The Chesapeake Watershed", "Saving the Places We Love: Paths to Environmental Stewardship", and "The Big MELT". Sustainability Advisor and leader of nature walks for organizations
This presentation was recorded: Click here to play it back.
Video "Earthrise" by Amanda Gorman (Click to play)
Climate Sustainability: Actions to Make a Difference
Sara Via, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Entomology, University of Maryland, and Climate Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, UMD, College Park
This presentation was recorded: Click here to play it back.
Closing Remarks by HoLLIE Coordinators
Click to download .pdf version of syllabus
Day 2 Handout - Brunt
Day 1 Handout - Parkinson
Day 2 Handout -Cetenic
Day 3 Handout 1 - Via
Day 3 Handout 2 - Via
Day 3 Handout 3 - Via
Day 3 Handout -Newman
Day 4 Handout - Rodell
Day 4 Handout - Perkins
Day 6 Presentation - Burgess
Day 6 Handout - Burgess
Day 7 Handout - McNamara