Howard County Legacy Leadership
Institute for the Environment
Continuing Education Opportunities
After you have been through the HoLLIE class curriculum, you will be on our mailing list and receive invitations to additional programs and meetings during the year. Come back and visit with your new friends!
Become a HoLLIE!
While it is not required, students are strongly encouraged to engage in volunteer programs in service to the environment.
Any class participant who follows up the in-person course by engaging in an approved environmental volunteer project with a county environmental organization may be certified as a HoLLIE graduate.
HoLLIE Graduation 2015
Download the HoLLIE Volunteer Time Record in whichever format you prefer:
Congratulations to our 2019 Graduates!
HoLLIE Honor Roll
2019 Graduates
Cheryl Arney
Volunteering with Citizens Climate Lobby:
Writing letters to the editor
Serving as CCL liaison with a Member of Congress
Leading Citizen lobby meetings
Working for endorsements from community influencers
Lobbying with other environmental organizations for state level climate change legislation
Kimberly Drake
Secretary of Columbia Association’s Climate Change and Sustainability Advisory Committee
Secretary of the Howard County Sierra club
Helped to launch the Howard County Climate Collaboration, a group of local environmental organizations and local government
Communicates with elected officials on behalf of the Sierra Club and Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN)
Volunteers with the Howard County Conservancy, HoCo Climate Action, Safe Skies Maryland
Volunteers with the Smarter Growth Alliance of Howard County, the Indivisible Energy committee, the Community Ecology Institute
Completed the Maryland Climate Leadership Academy
Gail Holm
Monitors health of streams with the Watershed Stewards of Howard County and the Howard County Streamwaders
Volunteers with Howard County Public School System Our Environment in Our Hands program
Leads hikes for elementary school children as a volunteer with the Howard County Conservancy
Active in the Climate Crisis Team of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia
Participated in invasive plant control with HC Conservancy and Howard County Parks and Recreation
Deborah Levay
Completed Master Gardener training
Volunteers at Ladew Topiary Gardens, educating visitors about pollinators, native plants, and the environment
Supports Howard County Elementary Schools Monarch Butterfly Buddy and Milkweed Steward programs
Anne Mihalik
Active in Citizen’s Climate Lobby meetings and conference, completed lobbyist training
Fundraising for the Community Ecology Institute
Climate Change and Consciousness workshops and discussion groups
Writing letters to the editor about climate change, social equity, biodiversity
Participated in Global Climate Strike march and rally
Participates in watershed cleanups
Suzanne Probst
Maryland Master Naturalist
Led a “bluebird walk” at Belmont
Assisted with the spring Belmont BioBlitz for the Howard County Conservancy
Monitors the Belmont bluebird & tree-swallow trail and submits nesting data to Cornell’s Nestwatch program
Completed three bird surveys and butterfly surveys at Belmont for the Howard County Bird Club
Lisa Schlossnagle
Volunteer field trip naturalist for the HoCo Conservancy
HoCO Conservancy program planning committee
HoCO Conservancy Board of Directors
Instituted environmental topics and organizations in a session day for the Leadership Howard County Premier program
Served on the “green team” that helped Girls on the Run of Central Maryland host a sustainable 5K
Clifford Strawitch
Active in the Citizen’s Climate Lobby
Citizen’s Climate Lobby liason to Senator Chris Van Hollen
Attended the Citizen's Climate Lobby International Conference in Washington DC
Lobbies for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend act
Provided technical assistance at the Drawdown workshop
2018 Graduates
Cara Heilveil
Master Naturalist Trainee at Robinson Nature Center
Volunteer at Robinson Nature Center assisting with camps and events
Volunteer member of the River Hill Watershed Committee
River Hill representative to the Columbia Association Watershed Advisory Committee
Anita Iseman
Volunteer with the Maryland Zoo
Assists the zookeepers with the Outreach Zoo Mobile program, taking animals to schools, daycares, and assisted living facilities
Uses demonstration materials to teach about animal habitat, environment, and conservation
Dave Lyon
Howard County Conservancy Volunteer Naturalist and Watershed Coach
Patapsco Heritage Greenway Volunteer leader for public groups removing trash or planting trees
Stream Monitor for Patapsco Heritage Greenway
Maintains 1.5 miles of the Appalachian Trail for the Mountain Club of Maryland
Volunteer local guide for Road Scholar programs on the Appalachian Trail and C&O Canal
Megan Mills
Chair of the Howard County Forestry Board, volunteering with updating educational materials, tree plantings, and outreach events
Volunteer with the Monarch Buddies program in the Howard County School system
Accepted into the first year of the Maryland Climate Leadership Academy
Gwen Morrison
Maryland Master naturalist
Volunteer naturalist at the Howard County Conservancy for pre-K-12 field trips and camp hikes
Volunteer docent for the Brookside Gardens Wings of Fancy butterfly exhibit
Volunteer for the Environment in our Hands and Monarch Buddy program in the Howard County Public Schools
Carolyn Parsa
Worked on a task force for the Environmental Sustainability Board to found Safe Skies Maryland, a non-profit conservation organization under the Maryland Ornithological Society
Worked on retrofit projects to make public buildings bird friendly
Newly appointed chair of the Howard County Sierra Club
2017 Graduates
Heidi Osterman
Heidi is a volunteer at Robinson Nature Center and volunteered extensively in the Center’s educational programs:
Camps for 2 and 3 year-olds
Camps for 4 and 5 year-olds
Camps for 6, 7, 8, and 9 year-olds
Camps for 10 and 11 year-olds
Day programs of many types for ages 2 – 12
Wanda Prather
Wanda is a retired computer geek who volunteers for several organizations:
Building this new website for HoLLIE!
Data collection and organization for the Maryland Biodiversity Project
Volunteer coordinator for art shows at the Howard County Conservancy
Peter Sola
Peter volunteered with Patuxent Riverkeeper Fred Tutman and spent his time researching state and federal records:
Are regulations being followed regarding the reporting of excessive spills, and the fines imposed on them by the state/county? We are finding out that spillage has not been reported to the county citizens in a timely manner, or at all.
Read and analyze reports of laws passed and other records and reports by persons Fred assigned to identify pollution issues on the Patuxent River.
Look for improvement in several issues, trying to find if these problems have been repeated over the past 3 to 5 years.
Steve Wachs
Volunteer for the Patapsco Heritage Greenway
Volunteer at the Howard County Conservancy
Leads school group naturalist hikes
Bio Blitz coach
Working conservancy events
Gerry Witte
Gerry was recently named Oakland Mills Volunteer of the Year for his work protecting and preserving community open space:
Investigated the issues facing Columbia’s open space, including the lack of a master plan
Worked to marshall allies and bring the issues to Village Board and CA Management
Advocated for better open space planning
Helped with invasive species removal, tree planting, safety fences, tot lot repair, beautification projects, and community cleanups
Phyllis A Yigdall
Phyllis is a certified Master Gardener and volunteered in a variety of ways:
Mentor for incoming Master Gardener interns
Days of Taste, a 3-day classroom initiative important in teaching 4th graders about where food comes from and how to balance flavors to create tasty salads
Roving Radish, a county initiative to get local healthy food provided to county residents at an affordable price
Supporting the Master Gardener Bay Wise program by outreach and community presentations of a program “Trees”